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Monday, December 27, 2010

Please, vote for me!

Naturans, an Italian brand that sells natural skincare and bodycare products is currently having a selection for their face for 2011. The selection is based on a Facebook application, you just need to vote your favorite picture (possibly mine, LOL).
I do not normally do these kind of things, but the winner will have a trip to Florence paid for for the photoshoot, and will also get a compensation of € 1,000.

If you follow my blog from a while, you know that I have been working since October, commuting on a 2 hrs train ride to work, and I have YET to get my monthly salaries. Not only that, but also I will not be paid until spring (but be forced to work until March!!!), therefore those € 1,000 will really be useful to me.
So please, vote for me on that competition. You just need to get here: http://apps.facebook.com/selezionenaturans/?page=vote&entrant=fb512531822&flash=1 and vot for me.

Thank you so much,


  1. FATTO LYDIA! incrocio le dita per te!

  2. fatto ovviamente! incrocio le dita per te! ;-D

  3. Mia cara ti ho votata con piacere!!!! :D

  4. Sono corsa a votare ma non ho facebook e quindi non mi permette di accedere:-(

  5. un trucco bellissimo! e sono una nuova follower :D

  6. Voted and now following you :)

    A little giveaway going on at my blog at the moment http://tinyurl.com/4kt38u2 leave a comment for some Lush goodies xx
