If someone asked me why I prefer Illamasqua over M.A.C., I'd definitely say that it is because they stamp out social conventions. They celebrate individuality and "the fundamental human desire to express your inner self on the outside" (cit.).
They believe each individual can do whatever they want to do, in full freedom. You don't have to unlearn rules, you simply have to work your way around them.
Just take a look at the imagery for their upcoming AW12 collection; they'll speak for themselves. Have you ever heard the old wife's tale that shimmering eyeshadows are a no-no for elder people? Have you ever thought that it was true that they enhance wrinkles and so on? Well, think again.
Because beauty has no age. That's what Generation Q stands for.
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Beautiful Evelyn is 72 years young and she is rocking shimmery creams and red lipstick! |
Generation Q empowers and complements the user with light reflective not age reflective products. The collection is a story of sultry, forbidden shimmer and creative formulations to build dimension.All products and shades included in Generation Q have been formulated and chosen irrespective of age, race, gender or sexual preference to give everybody the tools to express their alter ego.Illamasqua is standing up against the industry rule of “only wearing matt” products and concealing your real identity under a sea of “beige” after a certain age. Complementing and empowering your true beauty, shimmer is adorned to accent, highlight and lift features. Generation Q is a celebration of today, where beauty and creativity has no sell by date.
Generation Q
Where beauty has no age limits.
the last three years Illamasqua has become a global phenomenon, a proud
advocate of self-expression and a lone voice in an industry controlled
by the world’s beauty cartels – cartels, we believe, who have forced
their soulless definitions of beauty onto the world.
by this desire to constantly challenge the status quo, we are proud to
break the unspoken prejudice of age as we launch our new AW12 collection
- Generation Q. This new, dynamic range of
expressive textures and shades provides the industry’s only antidote to
the homogenised outdated vision of beauty.
Generation Q is
a celebration of beauty. Ageless, and without limits or restrictions.
It’s our declaration to the world that beauty is inclusive, not
exclusive. In fact, Generation Q is a clear message to everybody,
everywhere that beauty is not young, old, black, white, male or female,
but anything, everything and everyone. If you’re someone who does not
want age to define them, don’t want to blend in and fade away, you are Generation Q.
Illamasqua, this is a stand we were born to take. So in typical
Illamasqua style, we have done something that no other brand would or
could do. Our new Generation Q campaign will go against the
industry’s unspoken and despicable taboo, by featuring older models as
well as young. Because to us, hiding your age is like hiding your true
identity. After all “Illamasqua customers will not be told what to do and when to do it” Julian Kynaston, Illamasqua Founder.
Illamasqua is not just make-up for the skin. It’s make-up for a mind-set. And it’s why all the Generation Q models
aren’t models at all, but real make-up fans, with a real life and real
sense of their own beauty. The future of beauty is changing and we are
the new voice of a brand new generation - Generation Q, where beauty has no age limits
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How much do you think I am jealous of gorgeous lady, getting a make-over from the Alex Box herself? |
'Generation Q - is generation YOU!
It's what they tell you not to do; it’s what you see your true self through.
It's what is old and what is new.
What you know and what you knew.
It's what you feel and what is true”
Want to see a preview of the products in this collection? Take a look at beautiful Katie's blog, who was lucky enough to attend the event Illamasqua held some weeks ago. Click here.
Stay tuned for more promo shots and updates on this collection, which will be released in September.
Essere così a 72 anni..ci metterei la firma!
ReplyDeleteFarmi truccare da Alex Box..ci metterei un braccio :D
AHah esatto...ma poi è un trucco che vorrei anche io, è bellissimo.
DeleteChiara, quelle palette sono una meraviglia ti dico...una meraviglia...
... peccato che in Italia non si trovi ... o almeno, io non la trovo ... ho conosciuto questa marca in viaggio e sono rimasta molto soddisfatta dei prodotti provati ... mi interessa molto il tuo blog sarò felice di seguirti serefreestyle.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteCiao, grazie mille per l'iscrizione! :)
DeletePurtroppo in Italia non ci sono negozi Illamasqua e non c'è ancora nemmeno un counter, ma si possono ordinare online.
Io ho ordinato anche qualche giorno fa coi saldi, perché a prezzo pieno è un po' difficile comprare questi prodotti da internet (col variare del valore della valuta, a giorni ti uccidono!).
Ci son buone occasioni ora ;)
che donna meravigliosa, alla faccia di tutti quelli che dicono che ad un certa età il trucco è volgare e che al massimo si può osare con il nude :P
ReplyDeletePff, se è vero che c'è un tempo per tutto, è vero anche che c'è modo e modo di fare le cose.
DeleteSe si ha gusto e manualità, si può fare davvero di tutto e queste immagini ne sono la prova :)
Mia madre non si trucca più, ma a 50 anni portava il pigmento lilla satin sugli occhi e la ringiovaniva tantissimo! Basta saper mettere le quantità giuste ;))
Mamma mia con quel trucco non si vede ne anche una ruga, io 50 anni e nè ho tante .Ottimo post,Elena A. deguida prestiti