[una rapida premessa: ancora non hanno attivato l'adsl nella mia nuova casa, perciò la regolarità dei post riprenderà non appena avrò una connessione decente.]
Questo articolo mi è stato ispirato da una conversazione avuta qualche giorno fa con una mia amica (se mi leggi, ciao Ele!). Infastidita dal fatto di non riuscire a fare uno smoky eye da manuale, la mia amica mi ha chiesto dove poter trovare dei veri e propri pennelli da sfumatura, quelli che inglese (lo dico per onor di cronaca, visto che i siti in cui si possono trovare son tutti in inglese) si chiamano blending brushes.
Ora, con tutti i video che girano su youtube e le cosiddette guru, penso che ormai sapremo tutte cosa sono i pennelli da sfumatura (è intuibile anche dal nome) e che i due più efficaci sono il MAC 217 ed il MAC 224.Questi due pennellli hanno propositi diversi, nonostante lo scopo ultimo di entrambi sia quello di dare una sfumatura al nostro trucco. Entrambi hanno una forma "a campana" (o "a goccia", se vogliamo), ma uno dei due è più grande ed ha una circonferenza circolare (il 224), mentre l'altro è più piccolo e piatto (ha una circonferenza più...ovale, il 217). Inoltre, i pennelli tipo il 217 sono un tantino più "rigidi".
Che tipo di sfumatura da il 217?
Una sfumatura perfetta, graduale, ma ben visibile sulla piega palpebrale. E' utile anche in mancanza di altri pennelli per stendere semplicemente l'ombretto su tutta la palpebra. Insomma, è il tipo di pennello che si deve utilizzare quando si vuole che il colore da sfumare sia bello evidente.
Che tipo di sfumatura da il 224?
Una sfumatura che dissolve il colore dalla piega palpebrale fino all'arcata sopraccigliare. Questo tipo di pennello non è fatto per caricare il colore da sfumare. Invece, sarà molto utile per sfumare veramente molto il colore che steso sulla piega palpebrale.
E' anche un buon pennello da correttore (anche data la natura delle sue setole), ma questa è tutt'altra storia.
Ora, siccome so bene che non tutti possono permettersi i pennelli MAC (io sono la prima, visto che se prima non potevo permettermeli per motivi finanziari, ora non potrei comunque comprarli per l'assenza di MAC nella mia regione), quello che mi propongo di fare con questo post è darvi una lista di aziende che producono questo tipo di pennelli, in una versione meno costosa.
La prima su tutte è sicuramente la Sigma, un'azienda statunitense di cui sono ambasciatrice (faccio parte del loro affiliate program*). Sigma ha le migliori occasioni a livello globale per quanto riguarda il rapporto qualità/prezzo.
Il loro simil-224 si chiama E40 (Tapered Blending) e costa $9,00 se comprato individualmente (anche se io suggerisco sempre i kit, perché si risparmia sempre sul costo dei pennelli, che tanto servono sempre tutti).
Il loro simil-217 si chiama E25 ed anche questo ha un costo di $9,00 (se poi acquistate un kit, di solito questo pennello, in versione mini è omaggio!)
Questi due rappresentano la riproduzione più fedele dei pennelli MAC.
Dove si possono acquistare?
- sul sito ufficiale: www.sigmabeauty.com (e nel caso decideste di acquistare da lì, sarebbe carino se lo faceste utilizzando il banner che ho sulla colonna destra del blog. Per ogni acquisto di 30 dollari ed oltre avrete un omaggio);
- da siti Europei se pensate che i costi di spedizione siano troppo alti o se temete l'ombra della dogana (anche se sui pennelli non fanno storie di solito), anche se vi dico che i prezzi sono leggermente più alti, quali:
Cocktail Cosmetics: http://www.cocktailcosmetics.co.uk/Sigma-Brushes
Love Make Up Premium and Professional Beauty: http://www.love-makeup.co.uk/brushes-accessories-c-16.html?filter_id=34&sort=3a
Un'altra azienda che produce pennelli da sfumatura simili a quelli MAC, che ho anche provato è la Bdellium.
Anche questa è una ditta statunitense, che si è specializzata in pennelli anti-batterici (di cui ho fatto la recensione qui).
Il loro simil 217 si chiama 776, mentre la replica del 224 si chiama 785.
Sono dei buonissimi pennelli!
Dove acquistarli?
- dal sito ufficiale: http://bdelliumtools.com/
- o in Europa, dal sito www.cocktailcosmetics.co.uk
Ci sono, poi, dei marchi che producono dei pennelli simili a quelli MAC, ma che non ho ancora provato. Non posso fare commenti sulla qualità di questi, ma posso sempre segnalarveli per onor di cronaca:
Cozzette (disponibile su Love Make Up) produce una replica del 224 che ha chiamato S150;
Crown Brushes ha svariate riproduzioni di questo tipo di pennelli nelle loro numerose linee. Cambia sicuramente la qualità e la composizione delle setole. Occorre sfogliare un po' il catalogo, perché queste forme sono reiterate, dipende da quanto volete spender voi.
Anche Boots N 7 produce una mini replica del 217. E' abbastanza decente (io ne possiedo due), soprattutto se si deve portare in viaggio, ma sicuramente non ha la stessa qualità dei quelli Sigma o Bdellium. E' molto morbido, però.
Mi spiace ragazze, ma Real Techniques by Sam Chapman non produce questa tipologia di pennelli.
E' inutile dire che ogni altra forma di pennello da sfumatura non da affatto lo stesso tipo di sfumatura di questi pennelli, perciò non aspettatevi grandi cose da un pennello tipo quello elf (nonostante sia comunque un buon pennello).
Bene, spero di esservi stata utile con questo post. In caso aveste domande o curiosità, o qualsiasi genere di segnalazione, scrivetemi un commento.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
An insight into blending brushes: types, functionality, brands
[warning: I am trying to type this while I am still mooching off of a nearby internet connection. I have no idea if, by the time I will have finished typing this, I will still be able to post it. They told me today, my own connection will be sorted withing 20 - 30 days]
I had an inspiring conversation with my friend two days ago about brushes. She told me she couldn't get the hang of smoky eyes, and while I think that is mostly due to her (our!) eye shape, I agree with her that the right blending brushes would help a lot!
Now, with all the beauty "gurus" around youtube, I think we all know what a blending eye brush is, and that the two most effective ones are the MAC 217 and MAC 224.
Of course, the two serve different purposes even if their mission is to give a good blend. Both are domed-shaped brushes, but one is bigger and circular in circumference (224) and the other one is smaller and flatter (more like an oval-type of circumference, the 217). Also, 217-type of brushes are stiffer than 224's.
What can you do with a 217?
Get a perfect, gradual, but visible blend on the crease. Also, you can use the flat side of it to pack on some eyeshadow on the eyelid. This is the type of brush you want to use to pack on the color that you need to blend.
What can you do with a 224?
Just blend. Dissolve the color from the crease right up to the brow bone. This brush is not meant to pat on the color and blend it. On the other hand, it will help you very much when you want the colour that you previously put on the crease to fade into the brown bone.
It is also a good concealer brush (given the nature of its bristles and its size), but that's another story.
Now, I understand that not everyone - for many reasons - can get hold of MAC brushes (I myself, could not afford them until this year, and now I can't get them because I don't have a MAC store near me) so my aim with this post will be to provide you with a list of good dupes for them, since not many companies produce their blending eye brushes in these two shapes.
First on the list is Sigma brushes, a US-based company I am ambassador of. They have the best quality/price deals worldwide, and they were my first real brushes ever.
Their dupe for the MAC 224 is called E40 (Tapared Blending) and costs $ 9,00 if bought individually (I personally recommend kits where this brush can be found, because kits are always the best deals).
Their dupe for the MAC 217 is called E25 and also costs $ 9,00 (when you buy a kit, most of the time this brush, in its travel size, comes for free!)
These two are the most similar and faithful replicas I've ever come across.
Where can you buy them?
- Official Site: www.sigmabeauty.com (in case you decide to make a purchase there, you can use the banner I have on the top right sidebar, so that you will get a free gift if you spend at least $ 30);
- if you are in Europe and you think shipping costs are too expensive, or fear the hand of the customs, there are two authorized sellers:
Cocktail Cosmetics: http://www.cocktailcosmetics.co.uk/Sigma-Brushes
Love Make-Up - Premium and Professional Beauty: http://www.love-makeup.co.uk/brushes-accessories-c-16.html?filter_id=34&sort=3a
Another brand I tried that makes very good dupes is Bdellium. This is another US-based manufacturer that specializes into anti-bacterial brushes (I reviewed their brushes here).
Their replica for the 217 is called 776, while their dupe for the 224 brush is called 785.
These are very good brushes too!
Where can you buy them?
- Official Site: http://bdelliumtools.com/
- or, again, if you are in Europe: www.cocktailcosmetics.co.uk
Some brands I have not tried yet produce their own replicas, and while I cannot comment on their quality, I can always point out to you the brushes:
Cozzette (available throught Love Make Up) makes an S150 (224) brush.
Crown Brushes also makes several dupes in their lines. The brushes are the same shape, but the bristles composition might change.
Boots N7 also makes a travel size replica of the MAC 217. It is a decent brush, but cannot surely equal the Sigma or Bdellium brushes.
Sorry girls, but Real Techniques by Sam Chapman does not produce these shapes.
Any other blending brush that is shapped differently (eg. elf) will not have the same blending.
I hope this has been useful. If you have any questions or remarks (or know any other brand that should be included on this list), please leave a comment.
I had an inspiring conversation with my friend two days ago about brushes. She told me she couldn't get the hang of smoky eyes, and while I think that is mostly due to her (our!) eye shape, I agree with her that the right blending brushes would help a lot!
Now, with all the beauty "gurus" around youtube, I think we all know what a blending eye brush is, and that the two most effective ones are the MAC 217 and MAC 224.
Of course, the two serve different purposes even if their mission is to give a good blend. Both are domed-shaped brushes, but one is bigger and circular in circumference (224) and the other one is smaller and flatter (more like an oval-type of circumference, the 217). Also, 217-type of brushes are stiffer than 224's.
source: Google Images |
What can you do with a 217?
Get a perfect, gradual, but visible blend on the crease. Also, you can use the flat side of it to pack on some eyeshadow on the eyelid. This is the type of brush you want to use to pack on the color that you need to blend.
source: beautynomics.com via Google Images |
What can you do with a 224?
Just blend. Dissolve the color from the crease right up to the brow bone. This brush is not meant to pat on the color and blend it. On the other hand, it will help you very much when you want the colour that you previously put on the crease to fade into the brown bone.
It is also a good concealer brush (given the nature of its bristles and its size), but that's another story.
Now, I understand that not everyone - for many reasons - can get hold of MAC brushes (I myself, could not afford them until this year, and now I can't get them because I don't have a MAC store near me) so my aim with this post will be to provide you with a list of good dupes for them, since not many companies produce their blending eye brushes in these two shapes.
First on the list is Sigma brushes, a US-based company I am ambassador of. They have the best quality/price deals worldwide, and they were my first real brushes ever.
Their dupe for the MAC 224 is called E40 (Tapared Blending) and costs $ 9,00 if bought individually (I personally recommend kits where this brush can be found, because kits are always the best deals).
Their dupe for the MAC 217 is called E25 and also costs $ 9,00 (when you buy a kit, most of the time this brush, in its travel size, comes for free!)
These two are the most similar and faithful replicas I've ever come across.
Where can you buy them?
- Official Site: www.sigmabeauty.com (in case you decide to make a purchase there, you can use the banner I have on the top right sidebar, so that you will get a free gift if you spend at least $ 30);
- if you are in Europe and you think shipping costs are too expensive, or fear the hand of the customs, there are two authorized sellers:
Cocktail Cosmetics: http://www.cocktailcosmetics.co.uk/Sigma-Brushes
Love Make-Up - Premium and Professional Beauty: http://www.love-makeup.co.uk/brushes-accessories-c-16.html?filter_id=34&sort=3a
Another brand I tried that makes very good dupes is Bdellium. This is another US-based manufacturer that specializes into anti-bacterial brushes (I reviewed their brushes here).
Their replica for the 217 is called 776, while their dupe for the 224 brush is called 785.
These are very good brushes too!
Where can you buy them?
- Official Site: http://bdelliumtools.com/
- or, again, if you are in Europe: www.cocktailcosmetics.co.uk
Some brands I have not tried yet produce their own replicas, and while I cannot comment on their quality, I can always point out to you the brushes:
Cozzette (available throught Love Make Up) makes an S150 (224) brush.
Crown Brushes also makes several dupes in their lines. The brushes are the same shape, but the bristles composition might change.
Boots N7 also makes a travel size replica of the MAC 217. It is a decent brush, but cannot surely equal the Sigma or Bdellium brushes.
Sorry girls, but Real Techniques by Sam Chapman does not produce these shapes.
Any other blending brush that is shapped differently (eg. elf) will not have the same blending.
I hope this has been useful. If you have any questions or remarks (or know any other brand that should be included on this list), please leave a comment.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Ellis Faas: a family affair
Some days ago, I received a lovely email advising me of a new video on the Ellis Faas youtube channel.
The video, called A Family Affair, displays Ellis's brother's - Thijs - face being used as a canvas for what I would call make-up paintings. In fact, Ellis was inspired by a triptych painted by Francis Bacon (who, for the record, is one of my all time favorite painters), so keep that in mind when you watch the short film.
Ellis herselfs asserts that
For some reasons, some of the shots remind me of Joan Mirò and Jackson Pollock too. Can you see what I see there?
Anyway, the video is mesmerizing (she shot that herself, in her own house) and it is accompanied by some touching piano melody her own daughter Flavia composed especially for the occasion.
I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. If you are fond of paint and art in general, I know you will.
(Thanks Thijs for sending this through. I sincerely loved it)
The video, called A Family Affair, displays Ellis's brother's - Thijs - face being used as a canvas for what I would call make-up paintings. In fact, Ellis was inspired by a triptych painted by Francis Bacon (who, for the record, is one of my all time favorite painters), so keep that in mind when you watch the short film.
Ellis herselfs asserts that
As a late teenager, I visited the Tate Gallery in London and was blown away by a Francis Bacon triptych. It made a great impression on me because of the use of colour - it was unnerving and stunningly beautiful at the same time. Bacon inspired many experiments I did over the years. I now think it has become something of my own and hasn't much to do with Bacon any more
For some reasons, some of the shots remind me of Joan Mirò and Jackson Pollock too. Can you see what I see there?
Anyway, the video is mesmerizing (she shot that herself, in her own house) and it is accompanied by some touching piano melody her own daughter Flavia composed especially for the occasion.
I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. If you are fond of paint and art in general, I know you will.
(Thanks Thijs for sending this through. I sincerely loved it)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Free shipping until 18th September at Illamasqua
Illamasqua's latest collection, Theatre of The Nameless is receiving so many raves from both press and the blogging community that the brand decided to celebrate with free delivery until September 18th on all UK or International orders.
All you have to do is enter promotional codes AWUK or AW40 (international orders of at least £40) at checkout.
See the new collection yourself and let me know your thoughts. I might take advantage of this offer too: I'm lusting over the New Skin Base, the Masquara, Cream Pigment in Androgen, and Intense Lipgloss in Belladonna!
What are you going to buy?
All you have to do is enter promotional codes AWUK or AW40 (international orders of at least £40) at checkout.
See the new collection yourself and let me know your thoughts. I might take advantage of this offer too: I'm lusting over the New Skin Base, the Masquara, Cream Pigment in Androgen, and Intense Lipgloss in Belladonna!
What are you going to buy?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Make-up Show Europe ticket giveaway winner
Hi everyone,
I am currently mooching of a connection, until they'll set up my own, so I hope I'll be able to post this: I have picked a winner for the ticket for Saturday, September 17th at The Make-up Show Europe that will be held in Berlin.
The winner was picked via random.org. I had 6 entries, and the winner was comment n. 3...
...which is Jele!
Congratulations, I will pass on your email address to the people over MelodyJoyPR, so that they can provide you with your ticket!
I am currently mooching of a connection, until they'll set up my own, so I hope I'll be able to post this: I have picked a winner for the ticket for Saturday, September 17th at The Make-up Show Europe that will be held in Berlin.
The winner was picked via random.org. I had 6 entries, and the winner was comment n. 3...
Ciao a tutti,
attualmente scrocco una connessione in attesa di avere la mia attiva,
perciò spero di poter essere in grado di postarvi questa notizia: ho appena estratto il vincitore del biglietto
per il Make-up Show Europe che si terrà a Berlino, Sabato 17 Settembre.
Il vincitore è stato selezionato tramite random.org. Avevo 6 partecipazioni e il commento estratto è stato
il numero 3....
...which is Jele!
Congratulations, I will pass on your email address to the people over MelodyJoyPR, so that they can provide you with your ticket!
...che è quello di Jele!
Congratulazioni, darò la tua email alla MelodyJoyPR, che provvederà a fornirti il biglietto!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Review: Clarins Eclat du Jour
I purchased this moisturizer by Clarins in May after hearing so many people rave about it.
Well, I guess all those raves were right. Eclat du Jour is now my favorite moisturizer ever!
Yes, it's true that it is very expensive (20€ for a 30 ml jar) but it leaves your skin looking gorgeous. It is supposed to be a line for younger skins, but it works perfectly with my skin needs.
Ho acquistato questa crema di Clarins a Maggio, dopo aver sentito tantissime persone tesserne le lodi.
Beh, penso proprio che tutte quelle lodi fossero meritate. Eclat du Jour è ora la mia crema preferita!
Sì, è vero ch'è molto cara (20 € per 30 ml), ma mi lascia la pelle fantastica.
Dovrebbe essere una linea dedicata alle pelli giovani, ma per le necessità che ha la mia pelle va benissimo.
I bought the "dry to normal" version, which has a thicker consistency (the "combination" Eclat du Jour comes in a gel - gélée - formulation). Nevertheless, it left my skin supple, luminous, refined, and cleared out some imperfections. It has never left my skin greasy, even when our temperature here reached 30 degrees (Celsius, that is).
Ho comprato la versione per pelli "da secche a normali", che ha una consistenza molto più densa (quella per
pelli "miste" ha una formula più simile al gel e non per niente
si chiama Eclat du Jour Gélée), Ciononostante, ha reso la mia pelle rimpolpata, luminosa, molto più rifinita nella grana, ha tolto di mezzo alcune impurità. Non ha mai
lucidato, nemmeno quando le temperature qui hanno raggiunto i 30 gradi.
This moisturizer comes in a glass jar which is very heavy and not really handy if you are a bit sloppy, or if you want to bring it with you on a trip. Then again, on the bright side the jar format allows you to use up every ml of the product. I just wish it were made of plastic.
Per quel che attiene il packaging, Eclat du Jour è contenuta in una confezione di vetro con il tappo ad avvitatura. il che non è l'ideale se voete portarla con voi in viaggio, oppure semplicemnte se siete un po'
Ad ogni modo, questo formato ha anche il suo vantaggio, perché vi permette di usare ogni millilitro di prodotto.
Però vorrei che lo facessero in plastica.
Longevity-wise, one jar covered a little more than 2 months for me.
La durata di una confezione è stata di poco più di due mesi nel mio caso.
Bottom line is, this moisturizer is fantastic, and I seriously think it would work wonders on every skin type.
Probably the only things that put me off are the price, and the glass jar. Everything else is to die for, smell included.
Clarins, I hereby declare my faithfulness and endless love for you.
In definitiva, questa crema è fantastica e penso seriamente che possa essere ideale per tutti i tipi di pelle.
Probabilmente quello che un po' mi frena dal riacquistarla subito è il prezzo e la jar in vetro.
Tutto il resto è bello da morire, compresa la profumazione.
Clarins, qui ti dichiaro la mia fede e il mio amore infinito.
I forgot to mention that this moisturizer does not contain a heavy dose of junk ingredients. On the contrary, its ingredients list is quite "safe". What are the odds to find a moisturizer, sold in perfumeries, which is really active and does not contain junk?
Ho dimenticato di dirvi che l'inci di questa crema non contiene una marea di schifezze, tipiche delle creme da
profumeria. Al contrario, direi che l'inci di questa crema è abbastanza "sicuro".
Questo fatto non è scontato, credetemi. E con questo, forse, si spiega anche il prezzo.
I forgot to mention that this moisturizer does not contain a heavy dose of junk ingredients. On the contrary, its ingredients list is quite "safe". What are the odds to find a moisturizer, sold in perfumeries, which is really active and does not contain junk?
Ho dimenticato di dirvi che l'inci di questa crema non contiene una marea di schifezze, tipiche delle creme da
profumeria. Al contrario, direi che l'inci di questa crema è abbastanza "sicuro".
Questo fatto non è scontato, credetemi. E con questo, forse, si spiega anche il prezzo.
The Make-up Show Europe: don' t miss your chance to meet Rae Morris! (I'm still giving away one ticket)
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with Celebrity Makeup Artists James Vincent, Orlando Santiago, and Rae Morris at The Makeup Show Europe next week September 17 -18th. Currently these makeup artists are busy backstage at New York Fashion Week, but are ready to advise you on the latest beauty trends that hit the runways.
James Vincent, Celebrity Makeup Artist and Director of Artistry and Education for The Makeup Show shares "New York Fashion Week always starts the season, and we're so excited to be the first to see and set the fashion for Spring 2012. We will be bringing our industry artists from backstage to Berlin, to give the scoop of what the celebs will be wearing on the red carpet, and the latest cosmetic trends in color and texture for the season."
Do not miss your chance to win one free ticket for the Make-Up Show Europe, for Saturday September 17th: enter my giveaway by clicking here!
(giveaway ends tomorrow)
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Giveaway reminder
Just click here to discover prizes and rules: http://aliceinwonderland348.blogspot.com/2011/09/giveaway-win-1-ticket-for-make-up-show.html
Friday, September 9, 2011
Complexion Perfection Review: Clarins Skin Illusion foundation (fondotinta)
I will skip all of the details that you can find on their site (I had already wrote an informative post when I received the press release related to it) and focus on my experience with this foundation.
La scorsa primavera Clarins ha lanciato un nuovo fondotinta chiamato Skin Illusion.
Salterò i dettagli forniti anche nel sito (ho già scritto un post informativo in merito
quando ho ricevuto la cartella stampa) e mi
concentrerò sulla mia esperienza con questo fondotinta.
Rather airy. Very light-weight, but not overly fluid, nor too dense. I really love it.
Molto leggera, non troppo fluida, né troppo densa. A me piace tantissimo.
Yes, I am so lazy that I always forget to put my hand cream on. I have very dry skin on my body! |
I'd say this foundation has a medium coverage. If you have spots, you will need to dab a little over them to disguise them completely, but in general, it does a very good job hiding everything, pores included!
Direi che la coprenza di questo fondotinta è media. Se avete brufoli, dovrete picchiettarne un pochino sopra per mascherarli per bene, ma in generale è davvero un buon fondotinta per nascondere le imperfezioni,
pori compresi!
How its texture results on the skin
I have to say, I love it. It gives a satin finish, so you get a luminosity without being shiny, and it mattifies just enough not have your t-zone become greasy. Definitely a gorgous effect on the skin.
I have also been told it looks very very natural, almost as if I weren't wearing any foundation and it was just my skin that looked flawless.
So for 32 - 34 € a bottle, this is definitely something worth the splurge.
Come la texture di Skin Illusion risulta sulla pelle
Io devo proprio dire che adoro la texture di questo fondotinta.
Ha un finish satinato, quindi otterrete luminosità senza che lucidi, e opacità
quanto basta per non fare ingrassare la zona T.
Decisamente un effetto meraviglioso.
Mi è stato anche detto che sembra veramente tanto naturale, quasi come se non avessi nessun
fondotinta addosso e quella fosse semplicemente la mia pelle, perfetta.
Perciò direi che per 32 - 34 euro a boccetta, sono davvero tanti soldi, ma ben spesi!
No break-out or pore obstruction was noticed in 2 months of regular use. Within those two months of regular use, I only finished 60% of the product, which is also something to take into account when buying your high-end foundation.
Non è comparsa nessuna eruzione cutanea e non ha ostruito i pori in 2 mesi di utilizzo regolare.
Durante quei due mesi di utilizzo regolare, ho finito solamente il 60% del prodotto, e penso che questo sia
un fattore da prendere in considerazione quando si decide di acquistare un fondotinta
di marca.
Bottom line is, Clarins never fails in satisfying me.
In definitiva, Clarins non smette mai di soddisfarmi. Chiedete un campione
da Sephora e provate per credere: mi ringrazierete in seguito!
Ask your Sephora for a sample and see yourself: you'll thank me later.
*Details: my shade for the summer was Chestnut. It is a very deep shade, but has a slight orange undertone to it. I was very tanned, so it suited me, but still, only use this if you are very dark (because of tan) or have a deep caramel tone (ethnic beauties!).
*Disclaimer: product sent by PR for reviewing consideration.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Giveaway: win 1 ticket for The Make-up Show Europe for September 17
Would you like to win a ticket for The Make-Up Show Europe (that will take place in BERLIN, GERMANY) for Saturday, September 17th?
The Make-Up Show Europe, similarly to IMATS, gathers all beauty professionals from all over the world to attend workshops, visit stands (just to name a few: MUFE, Kryolan, MAC Cosmetics, OCC...), see new products that will be launched, etc.
In association with the lovely people at Melody Joy PR, I am offering you the opportunity to win 1 ticket to attend the show for the above mentioned date.
How can you win?
- be a subscriber of my blog via google reader
- be a subscriber of my facebook page (click here)
- be a subscriber of my twitter page (click here)
- comment on this post, simply saying "enter me"; remember to leave your email address there.
The winner will be selected via random.org on Sep, 13th and contacted by me so that I can forward his/her details to MelodyJoyPR (they will be providing you with the ticket).
Good luck everyone!
Vorreste vincere un biglietto per The Make-up Show Europe (che si terrà a Berlino) per Sabato 17 Settembre?
The Make-up Show Europe, un po' come gli IMATS, è una fiera che riunisce tutti i professionisti del settore bellezza e cosmesi per dei workshop o semplicemente anche per ammirare gli stand, conoscere in anteprima i nuovi prodotti che verranno lanciati sul mercato ecc. Alcuni dei marchi presenti, giusto per fare qualche nome, saranno MUFE, Kryolan, MAC Cosmetics, OCC, ecc..
In associazione con la Melody Joy PR, vi offro la possibiltà di vincere un biglietto per entrare alla fiera Sabato 17 Settembre.
Come fare per vincerlo?
- dovete essere iscritte al mio blog via google reader
- dovete essere iscritte alla mia pagina facebook (che trovate cliccando qui)
- dovete essere iscritte alla mia pagina twitter (che trovatecliccando qui)
- lasciate un commento sotto questo post, semplicemente scrivendo "partecipo". Mi raccomando, indicate l'email.
Il vincitore o la vincitrice sarà estratto il 13 settembre e verrà contattato all'indirizzo email indicato, in modo da poter poi passare i dettagli alla Melody Joy PR che vi farà avere il vostro biglietto.
Allora, siete pronte a partire? Buona fortuna!
Another fashion haul: Pimkie
Ever since Pimkie opened in the town where I work (and soon live too), I've been a regular client.
Their clothes have decent prices and decent quality (actually, some of them are really good for the price. However some others, you wonder why they cost so much), they have a modern French vibe to them....All pro's in my books.
Yesterday, I was in Sassari bringing some stuff and ordering my new closet, so I thought I'd stop by a Pimkie store, and here is what I bought.
I apologize for the internet-taken pictures, but I left everything in my new house:
Their clothes have decent prices and decent quality (actually, some of them are really good for the price. However some others, you wonder why they cost so much), they have a modern French vibe to them....All pro's in my books.
Yesterday, I was in Sassari bringing some stuff and ordering my new closet, so I thought I'd stop by a Pimkie store, and here is what I bought.
I apologize for the internet-taken pictures, but I left everything in my new house:
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Floral dress with belt - nice for the fall too, with a long cardigan, colored thighs and a big scarf |
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A very simple "country" shirt to wear with jeans. |
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Sequinned tank top - this is very very fancy and lovely for nights out too. |
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Pleats skirt with belt. It's even cuter than in the picture. Such a college girl vibe to it! |
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Just a plain beige shirt that goes with everything really. I liked the ruffled sleeves. |
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Long stripes sweater, which matched to my black studded leggings and boots makes a great "rock chick" outfit |
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Small fashion and accessory haul
I am officially in love with plum and beige for this fall! I got this dress for work, but I can see myself wearing this a lot for happy hours too. It's just easy and classic.
Cocktail dress made of jeans...I love the flowery print on it, and the added belt
That's the detail in the back.
Finally, I got these nice little earrings from Almaplena, they were on sale and I only paid them 9 euros!
I'll be visiting Pimkie tomorrow. I am really afraid of myself :)
Cocktail dress made of jeans...I love the flowery print on it, and the added belt
That's the detail in the back.
Finally, I got these nice little earrings from Almaplena, they were on sale and I only paid them 9 euros!
I'll be visiting Pimkie tomorrow. I am really afraid of myself :)
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Illamasqua Theatre of the Nameless A/W 2011 teaser
An unexpected package was delivered to me today: it was a box containing some pieces from the latest Illamasqua collection, called Theatre of the Nameless.
Thank you Alex and Hayley!
I just want to give you a little teaser, and I will leave better photographs and a full review for the next time, as I am busy moving to another house (going back to the city where I work, in a new house) so I'm always around buying stuff or packing it and bringing it to the new house.
However, I thought you'd liked a little sneak peek. I am already in love with this collection, but what's new?
Thank you Alex and Hayley!
I just want to give you a little teaser, and I will leave better photographs and a full review for the next time, as I am busy moving to another house (going back to the city where I work, in a new house) so I'm always around buying stuff or packing it and bringing it to the new house.
However, I thought you'd liked a little sneak peek. I am already in love with this collection, but what's new?
Nail Varnish (rubberized finish) in Taint |
(my beloved) Cream Pigment in Depravity (love the name and the product. It deserves a full post) |
Pure Pigment in Zeitgeist - So so sexy for night outs. Can't wait to try it! - Zoom in the picture and look through the hole... |
Shimmer blusher in Morale, which happened to come to my door all shattered. I am so sorry, as this is a gorgeous blush with the finest shimmers in it. |
Yes, that's the mess. Anybody has suggestions on how to fix it? |
Monday, September 5, 2011
John Frieda Live Haircare Academy
I think that, by now, all beauty bloggers must be familiar with the name John Frieda: UK-based haircare brand, known to be one of the best on the market.
Their range is vast, innovative, and includes a revolutionary home hair-coloring line called Precise Foam Colour.
So, the news with John Frieda is that they have recently started a youtube channel with useful videos that will help you style your hair fast and glam, while showing you how to use their products for best results.
This is my favorite video from the channel: it shows you how to use Precise Foam Colour (I'd love to try that, if I had a counter here in Italy) and how to pick the right hair color for you. Enjoy and subscribe :)
Their range is vast, innovative, and includes a revolutionary home hair-coloring line called Precise Foam Colour.
So, the news with John Frieda is that they have recently started a youtube channel with useful videos that will help you style your hair fast and glam, while showing you how to use their products for best results.
This is my favorite video from the channel: it shows you how to use Precise Foam Colour (I'd love to try that, if I had a counter here in Italy) and how to pick the right hair color for you. Enjoy and subscribe :)
Glossybox sbarca in Italia
Glossybox, il servizio già famoso in molti Paesi d'Europa (ed ovviamente già consolidato in USA e Canada) che permette di ricevere a casa ogni mese una deliziosa scatola contenente campioni di cosmetici di lusso, sbarca finalmente anche in Italia.
Il sito, www.glossybox.it, è attualmente in fase di costruzione, ma è già possibile registrare la propria mail per sapere quando ci si potrà iscrivere.
Solitamente il funzionamento è questo: ci si registra e si crea un profilo in cui vengono inseriti i dati riguardanti la tipologia di pelle, la tipologia del capello, i colori, in modo che si possano avere i campioni più adatti alle proprie esigenze.
Non so quali tariffe verranno applicate in Italia, ma so per certo che in Francia il servizio ha un costo di 13 euro mensili (scatola con campioni e spedizione inclusa).
Che ne pensate? Sarete fra le prime ad iscrivervi?
PS: glossybox.it ha anche una pagina facebook ed un profilo twitter a cui potete iscrivervi per stare sempre aggiornate.
Il sito, www.glossybox.it, è attualmente in fase di costruzione, ma è già possibile registrare la propria mail per sapere quando ci si potrà iscrivere.
Solitamente il funzionamento è questo: ci si registra e si crea un profilo in cui vengono inseriti i dati riguardanti la tipologia di pelle, la tipologia del capello, i colori, in modo che si possano avere i campioni più adatti alle proprie esigenze.
Non so quali tariffe verranno applicate in Italia, ma so per certo che in Francia il servizio ha un costo di 13 euro mensili (scatola con campioni e spedizione inclusa).
Che ne pensate? Sarete fra le prime ad iscrivervi?
PS: glossybox.it ha anche una pagina facebook ed un profilo twitter a cui potete iscrivervi per stare sempre aggiornate.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Preview: Illamasqua Theatre of the Nameless A/W 2011
In anticipation of the newest Illamasqua's collection for fall and winter 2011, let me give you some teasers.
The collection will be launching later on today on their official site, www.illamasqua.com - and will be available in store from September, 8th.
Excited much?! I am, as usual.
Also, to celebrate the new collection, Illamasqua's having a competition where you can win a set of the new rubberized-finish nail varnishes. To enter the competition, please visit the following link:
Good luck everyone!
The collection will be launching later on today on their official site, www.illamasqua.com - and will be available in store from September, 8th.
Excited much?! I am, as usual.
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Yes, they're launching the new Masquara, which promises to lengthen, define, dramatize - with the blackest formula. |
Also, to celebrate the new collection, Illamasqua's having a competition where you can win a set of the new rubberized-finish nail varnishes. To enter the competition, please visit the following link:
Good luck everyone!
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