Tuesday, September 28, 2010
News: Madina Milano now ships worldwide!
You have seen me wearing those products in many FOTD's...
...now you can have them too!
Madina Milano has recently launched the English version of their site, and now ships worldwide!
You can see that prices varies from cheap to expensive (the latter for the rEvolution lines), but don't let yourself be misguided: Intercos technology is behind each product, so you are quite likely to have a super luxurious product for 4 euros (hello, gel bronzer!)
Shipping costs range from
almost 10 euros for Europe (3/7 days)
almost 20 euros for the rest of the world (5/15 days)
I highly encourage you to explore the brand's site at www.madina.it
Something you would fancy? ;)
Review: Liz Earle - Eye treatments
When I was offered to try out these two products from Liz Earle, I was more than happy as in the past few months I have started to be very sensitive about my eyes.
Working on my thesis, keeping the blog, watching tv, I have developped some dark circles around my eyes, plus I am short-sighted therefore I do have to take care of my eyes and have them well relaxed.
Case in point, is the holy grail of all eye treatments (in my own personal view):
Its naturally active ingredients contain alpine herb, witch hazel, organic aloe vera and cornflower.
To discover what their benefits are: click here.
This product has rapidly become my favourite eye treatment of all times: if I soak some in a cotton pad and leave it on my eyes for 5-10 minutes I feel immediately refreshed and relaxed.
One swipe in the morning and evening wakes up my eyes and give me a boost of energy, which is always a plus!
Suitable for contact lenses wearers, this eye toner also works as a remover for all those makeup traces that are very frequent even after using a cleanser.
This will be a definite repurchase, and an A+ in my books!
Available in a
50 ml bottle for £ 4.75
150 ml bottle for £ 9.50
or a set of 3 150 bottles for £ 25.50
You can purchase this product from the Liz Earle official site, or at your local retailer (check out the list on their site)
This product is described on the site as a "light, triple action cream helps to visibly reduce the appearance of fine lines around the eyes, mouth and forehead. Light-reflective particles conceal and help brighten dark under-eye shadows while SPF10 mineral sunscreen protects against UV light".
Unfortunately, I have to say that this product hasn't impressed me at all. All it did for me was brightening up my dark circles (NOT CONCEALING!) and protect me against UV light.
My fine lines haven't been reduced, and it left me wondering if it didn't worked for me only, or the product really needs some improving.
I still have no idea, so if you have tried this, please let me know what you think of it in the comments below.
It comes in a very small tube which costs £ 13.00, so it is also a bit expensive not to be effective.
My conclusion is: I definitely recommend Eyebright, as I know you will not be disappointed, but go to a Liz Earle store or counter before buying Daily Eye Repair.
Please let me know what you think about these two products in the comments below, especially if you have had a different experience with Daily Eye Repair.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
MSICS (Mens sana in corpore sano) - my weightloss diary: week 1
To my astonishment, being on a diet is not at all bad. When your diet is fairly distributed you don't feel any restriction or deprivation, nor do you think of yourself as starving.
Also, I have re-discovered some tastes that I had forgotten, or simply given for granted; e.g. the simple taste of a crispy toast-like bread in the morning.
Apart from really longing for a pizza yesterday (which was my weekly treat that my diet allows me to have) there hasn't been much pain this first week.
But let's take a closer look at my regimen for this week:
Con mio gran stupore, ho constatato che essere a dieta non è poi così tanto male. Quando la dieta è ben distribuita, non si percepisce come restrizione o privazione, e nemmeno si avverte un senso di inedia ;)
Inoltre ho riscoperto dei sapori che avevo dimenticato, o semplicemente dato per scontato, come ad esempio il sapore semplice di una fetta biscottata di mattina.
A parte desiderare una pizza ieri (ed è comunque un piacere che la mia dieta mi concede di avere una volta a settimana), questa prima settimana non è stata tanto dolorosa.
Ma andiamo nel dettaglio di quel che è stato il mio regime per la prima settimana:
Lentils soup / Zuppa di Lenticchie
Chicken meat (130 gr) / Carne di Pollo
Fennel / Finocchio
Ham / prosciutto cotto
Fennel / finocchio
Sept, 19th - Sunday
Plain yougurt + cereal/ yogurt magro con cereali
Chicken meat / carne di pollo
Lentils soup / zuppa di lenticchie
Sept, 20th - monday
Plain yougurt + cereal / yogurt magro e cereali
30 grams of freshly baked bread / 30 grammi di pane fresco
Vegetable soup / passato di verdure
Cheese / formaggio (yes, you can eat cheese, but in a precise portion / sì, si può mangiare il formaggio, ma solo in determinate quantità)
30 grams of bread / 30 grammi di pane
Vegetable soup / passato di verdure
1 hard boiled egg / 1 uovo sodo
Sept, 21st - tuesday
yogurt + cereal / yogurt e cereali
2 slices of crispy toast like bread / 2 fette biscottate
risotto with meat / risotto con carne
30 grams of bread/ 30 grammi di pane
tunna/ tonno
carrots / carote
Sept, 22nd - wednesday
the usual / il solito
boiled meat / carne bollita
half a boiled potato / metà patata bollita
half a boiled onion / metà cipolla bollita
60 grams of bread / 60 grammi di pane (yes, I can eat more bread in the evening because I don't eat pasta / sì, posso mangiare più pane la sera perché non mangio pasta)
Sept, 23rd - thursday
the usual
Pasta al sugo
1 mozzarella
30 grams of bread / 30 grammi di pane
1 hard boiled egg / 1 uovo sodo
Spinach / spinaci
Sept, 24th - friday
the usual
pasta al pesto
ham / prosciutto cotto
Beef meat / una fettina di manzo
Spinach / spinaci
Sept, 25th- saturday
the usual
horse meat / una fettina di cavallo
peas / pisellini primavera
30 grams of bread / 30 grammi di pane
Pizza vegetariana ( pizza with peppers, aubergines, and zucchini topping)
Sept, 26th - sunday (yes, today)
Usual breakfast
beef meat / fettina di manzo
peas /pisellini primavera
spinach / spinaci
Vegetable soup / passato di verdure
20 grams of potatoes / 20 grammi di patate
Please, do notice that this is MY diet, therefore I have not written all my portions on purpose. My portions may be the wrong portions for you. My point here is simply to tell you that you can match food like this, and you will have healthy habits.
However, I do encourage you to see your own doctor to get YOUR OWN diet, and NOT TO COPY THIS ONE.
when I eat the same food for 2 days, it means simply that living with other 4 people I am forced to cook for them as well, so sometimes I really do not have time or ingredients to do anything else, because my time nad ingredients, I already use up for them.
Hopefully this will be helpful to you, leave me some comments if you wish and...if you are dieting: GOOD LUCK ;)
Le mie porzioni potrebbero infatti essere porzioni sbagliate per le vostre esigenze.
Il mio scopo con questo post è solamente di mostrarvi come abbinare dei cibi ed ottenere delle sane abitudini alimentari.
Tuttavia, vi incoraggio a consultare il vostro medico per avere una dieta TUTTA VOSTRA, e a NON COPIARE QUESTA.
Quando mangio lo stesso piatto per due giorni significa solo che, vivendo con altre 4 persone ed essendo obbligata a cucinare anche per loro, talvolta uso il mio tempo o gli ingredienti nei loro pasti e quindi non ne ho più per me.
Non è comunque un male, basta che conservi le porzioni e posso destreggiarmi io fra i vari cibi quotidianamente.
Spero di essere stata utile per qualcuno e se avete commenti scriveteli qua sotto-
se siete a dieta: buona fortuna ;)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Exploring winter trends: black cherry lipstick
KIKO Sunproof Cream Foundation
Madina Milano Exact Color Bronzer
KIKO Sun Bronzing trio in highlighting coral on the cheeks
Benefit Erase Paste
Eldora Lashes (the same that I have on the giveaway) REVIEW COMING SOON
KIKO Red Emotion Lipstick in Black Cherry (Dupe for Illamasqua's Growl, although it is slightly warmer in the picture)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Soap&Glory's Sexy Mother Pucker now comes in four new shades!
They retail for £ 8 (or € 12) each.
Have you already got yours? How do you find these new shades?
M.A.C. Cosmetics a Milano Moda Donna P/E 2011 e M.A.C sui Social Network
La moda e il talento artistico rappresentano l’essenza di M∙A∙C Cosmetics. Il M∙A∙C PRO team gioca un ruolo di primissimo piano dietro le quinte delle principali sfilate in tutto il mondo, dando vita alle tendenze make-up che contraddistinguono ogni stagione. Ogni anno, M∙A∙C è presente a 23 Fashion Week nel mondo: New York, Londra, Milano, Parigi, Sidney, Copenaghen, Atene, Mosca, Berlino, Delhi, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Madrid, Mexico City, Miami Swimwear, NY Bridal, Auckland, Toronto, Tokyo, San Paolo, Parigi Alta Moda, Milano Moda Uomo e Parigi Moda Uomo.
A partire da New York, un team internazionale di oltre 275 make-up artist M∙A∙C - a cui si uniscono alcuni tra i più talentuosi free lance – percorre tutte le più importanti tappe della moda, lavorando fianco a fianco con i più grandi nomi dell’arte del make-up, quali Diane Kendal, Charlotte Tilbury, Val Garland, James Kaliardos, Lucia Pieroni e Polly Osmond e gioca un ruolo chiave nella creazione dei look che sfilano sulle passerelle più famose al mondo. A Milano Moda Donna, i make-up artist M∙A∙C Cosmetics realizzeranno il look di oltre 30 sfilate. Alcuni nomi: Alberta Ferretti, Moschino, Missoni, Antonio Marras, Dsquared2, Just Cavalli, Blumarine.
M·A·C Cosmetics non è solo sinonimo di tendenze, talento artistico ed elevata qualità dei prodotti ma è anche un’azienda all’avanguardia in materia di new media e social network. Da alcune stagioni, i più importanti make-up artist M·A·C comunicano in tempo reale dai backstage delle principali sfilate in tutto il mondo grazie a Twitter, dando vita a un vero e proprio buzz sui look che sfileranno in passerella e sulle ultimissime tendenze beauty. Anche A Milano Moda Donna P/E 11 Gordon Espinet, Lyne Desnoyers, Terry Barber e gli altri truccatori che prenderanno parte all’evento trasmetteranno aggiornamenti immediati sulla loro esperienza del “dietro le quinte”.
E’ possibile seguire i make-up artist M·A·C dalla fan page di facebook www.facebook.com/maccosmetics o dal sito www.macartiststweets.com, una vera e propria community grazie alla quale i “M·A·C addicted” di tutto il mondo potranno rimanere sempre connessi con i propri Senior Artist preferiti. Inoltre, sul canale Youtube di M·A·C www.youtube.com/maccosmetics sono disponibili i “Video Journal” realizzati dai make-up artist.
Information contained on this post were provided by MAC PR for consideration. I am not affiliate to the company.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
News: The FF Supertone sneaker has landed!

Over this past year I have become more conscious about health. Gym and excercise are now something I always want to do, as well as dieting.
This is why I was super interested when this news popped into my email box.
If you haven't heard of it yet, FitFlop is an American brand that launched in 2007, created by Marcia Kilgore that allow you to get a work-out while you simply walk.
Originally, FitFlop came in sandals and clogs that you may have spotted on celebrities and even Chelsea Clinton!
Now, the same technology (click on the link to find out more about it) has been built in sneakers!
Fashion conscious sneakers! Isn't that great? Every other brand with similar technologies has always come up with horrible shoes that you can only wear with your tracksuit.
These babies? They're classic sneakers, the kind you can wear with jeans any day, any season!
Two thumbs up!

They retail for £ 80,00 and are available on the fitflop site, at www.fitflop.com - or check out the retailers section to find the nearest retailer to you!
They are also available in black, silver, and red (lovely!).
What do you think about these shoes? Do you own them, or intend to buy them?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Eldora false eyelashes mini giveaway *CLOSED*
It's giveaway time here, and a lovely fluttery one!
I have been given the opportunity to try these two pairs of falsies by Eldora, which I am going to review on my blog soon, but more importantly (for you, LOL) the lovely Ella from Eldora has offered to sponsor a mini giveaway here, to give the same opportunity to one of my lovely subscribers!
So, one lucky subscriber will have the chance to win these babies:

B160: black synthesis lashes, glamourous and peculiar
1. You MUST be a subscriber of this blog (please, have a verified account so that I can check if you are really following me)
2. You must go to the Eldora site, at www.eldorashop.co.uk and leave me a comment ON THIS POST, telling me what your favorite pair is, and why (e.g. your preference is human hair, or synthesis, or individuals, therefore...).
Please, include your email address in the comment, so that I can contact you for your name and address in case you're the lucky one!
3. For 1 extra entry blog about this giveaway (or place it on your sidebar) and leave another comment with your referral link.
It is as simple as that!
I will randomly choose the winner using Random.org, and email the winner for her/his details. Then, I will pass your contact to Eldora, who will send the lashes to you.
This giveaway is opened internationally and will last until Thursday, the 30th of September 2010 at midnight.
Don't miss your chance, these lashes are perfect for your nights out!
*Disclaimer: my lashes and the prizes were provided by Eldora Handmade Lashes for consideration. I am not an affiliate of the company, nor I was paid to host this giveaway.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
a new series is coming on this blog, and it's about weigh loss
As you may know, my body has changed over the past year and a half, and I really do not like having those 7 more kilograms. I have been going to the gym for 6 months, but without a serious diet, I was only able to drop 3 kilos. During July I wasn't able to go to the gym, and got those kilos back, so now I am really tired and frustrated not to find clothes that suit my shape, or not to look good in my old elegant clothes, and I have decided to call it a day.
Starting today I am on a diet, one that has been given to me by a dietologist, and should work.
It will be difficult, but in the end not so bad. I don't have to drop 10 kilograms, so it is just about knowing how to match food, get used to smaller portions and eating healthy food.
I am happy about it, because common sense here in Italy has always said that a sane mind goes in a healthy body, as the Romans would say.
In fact, the new series will be called "MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO".
Every weekend I will write down what I've eaten during the week, and every month I will tell you how much weight I have lost.
I am not going to write portions, because this is my diet, and it would probably not work with you, but what you can do is learn from that how you can mix and match food to be healthy!
Whoever wants to start a diet can find a "partner" in me, because we all know dieting on our own never works! I am a real gouramande and I need to be monitored.
Of course, if this does not work for me, it means I have hormonal problems, but at least I will learn how to eat healthy and be a sane mind in a healthy body, that's all that matters to me: be healthy!
I will try to take before&after pictures.
Just know that my current weight is 64 kilograms (shame on me!), that I am 174 cm tall, and that this diet has begun today, Saturday 18th of September!
Do you like this idea? Will you be following my experiment, or have you started one of your own?
Thursday FOTD

Finally some pictures where I don't look pale.
yay for outside pictures!
Benefit The POREfessional to prime on the cheeks
Layla Hydro Tense foundation
Benefit Lemon-aid and Bo-ing under the eyes
KIKO Sun Essential Bronzer to contour
KIKO Sun bronzing trio in Bonne Mine Pink
Madina Bivalva Smart Eyeshadow in 2 all over the lid
Bobbi Brown Espresso on the upper and lower lashline and slightly blended on the outer corner
MAC Shale on the crease
Sleek MakeUP Ink Pot in Dominatrix (black) to line the eyes
Layla Base allungante
Layla Lash Art mascara in black
Ellis Faas Milky lips l205
hope you liked it! I missed doing these FOTD posts :)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Review: Madina Milano (EN - IT)
Bivalva Extreme Blusher in 13, Gel Bronzer, Daily Basics Luxe Eyeliner in Nude, Bivalva Smart Eyeshadow in 02, Lipgloss (free with my purchase)
I didn't have enough money to try their rEvolustion range, because it is quite expensive, so I have opted for their regular range, which has very cheap prices but at the same time it is produced by Intercos anyway.
The first product I am going to review is their Bivalva Extreme Blusher. The shade I chose is n 13, a gorgeous bright peach tone. In the pan, it looks more on the orange side, but it actually a peach. Not too orange, not too pink. It is gorgeous in my opinion, and gives a very romantic flush of color on your cheecks.
I love the shade, and the fact that it is matte, so it doesn't make your pores look enlarged.
What has left me impressed is that it lasted almost 10 HOURS on my cheeks, with no touch-ups.
At € 3,90 it is much of a bargain!
La tonalità che ho scelto è la n. 13, un bellissimo color pesca. Nella confezione sembra più aranciato, ma è veramente un pesca. Non troppo arancione, non troppo rosa.
Secondo me è bellissimo, e dona un tocco veramente molto romantico alle guance.
Adoro la tonalità ed il fatto che sia opaco e quindi non rende i pori più larghi.
Ciò che mi ha lasciata davvero stupefatta è il fatto che mi sia durato addosso quasi 10 ORE, senza ritocchi.
A € 3,90 penso proprio sia il caso di chiamarlo affare!
Apart from that the shade is lovely and it makes a great base for a matte smokey eye, or the ideal shade for a classic office/university look. It is a matte eyeshadow.
It is very soft and buildable. And has a very good staying power even without a base.
Priced € 1,50 it is very worth buying.
The pan is bigger than the MAC ones, so it will not fit your MAC palette or e.l.f. quad. However, empty quads are available to buy on the site (I will put a link to it afterwards).
Non so se lo chiamerei tortora, sinceramente. E' un grigio/beige molto chiaro, ma davvero chiaro, quindi al massimo lo chiamerei un tortora chiarissimo.
A parte questo penso che sia una tonalità molto carina e che faccia da buonissima base per uno smokey, o comunque è molto adatto per un look da ufficio/università. E' un colore opaco.
Molto morbido e modulabile. Ha una buona durata anche senza base.
Al prezzo di €1,50 penso valga la pena di acquistarlo.
La cialda è più grande di quelle MAC, quindi non aspettatevi che entri nella palette MAC o nei quad di e.l.f.. Ad ogni modo, sul sito di Madina sono disponibili anche i quad vuoti.
Buttery soft, blendable, and nude with yellow undertones, I love using this in the waterlines, inner corner and cupid's bow.
Priced at € 1,90 and available in many colors, I will definitely purchase the black, brown, navy and purple one. Great value for the money! - RECOMMENDED!
Questa matita è morbidissima, sfumabilissima e di un color carne dai sottotoni gialli. Mi piace usarla nella rima interna e nell'angolo interno dell'occhio, oltre che nel punto centrale del contorno delle labbra superiori (che non so come si chiami in Italiano, qualcuno lo sa?)
Al prezzo di € 1,90 e disponibile in altri colori, sicuramente comprerò anche la nera, la marrone, quella blu notte e quella viola.
Veramente un'ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo!
The tube is very handy for when you travel or carry with you anywhere, and it can be applied with your fingers as well.
I use it for contouring as well and I find it to be very very nice for that purpose as well.
Non resta "posato" sulla pella, ma si sfuma e si fonde con essa in maniera perfetta.
L'intensità è modulabile, e il finish è impreziosito da particelle luccicanti di colore dorato, ma sono davvero molto fini e contribuiscono solo a dare un'aspetto di incarnato radioso.
Il tubetto è pratico per viaggiare o da portare ovunque ed il prodotto può essere applicato senza problemi anche con le dita.
Lo uso anche per il contouring e ritengo sia un valido prodotto anche per questo proposito.
Eccolo qui:
Non ha una grandissima durata, ma è lucido e abbastanza carino da essere un regalino apprezzato, no?!
as you can see the regular range has basic packaging, with their bivalva's being just pans that you can always put into palettes. Do we care about packaging? Obviously not that much, cos we save a lot of money when we don't pay for packaging, yet the product is amazingly good.
Madina Milano has stores in Milan and Israel (I've seen that on facebook), and they do have an online store. Add them on facebook cos they also publish some swatches there, and reply to every question. They are indeed professional.
Madina Milano ha dei negozi a Milano e in Israele (l'ho visto su facebook) e hanno un negozio online. Aggiungeteli su facebook perché pubblicano anche gli swatches lì e rispondono ad ogni domanda. Sono veramente professionali.
OFFICIAL SITE: www.madina.it
A nail stamping attempt and a quick review of two nail varnishes
First of all, excuse the varnish residues around my nails, but the crappy Pupa remover pen does not do its job properly (highly suggest you DON'T waste 10 euros on it)
How do you feel about this nail art attempt?
Lemon Meringue by Models Own
Ceramic Effect n.09 by Layla
Topcoat by Bottega Verde
Nail stamping kit by Essence
Dotter by Essence
If you have the same thought, then think again: Lemon Meringue does not apply as smothly, and it appears streaky. Not good considering I love the shade.
On a positive note: it dries quickly.
Se pensate la stessa cosa, è meglio che rivalutiate: Lemon Meringue non ha un'applicazione uniforme e facile, anzi lascia delle strisce.
Non è una cosa buona, visto che il colore è così bello e riponevo tante speranze in questo smalto.
Una cosa positiva è che si asciuga in fretta.
CERAMIC EFFECT n.9 - LAYLA: Layla's Ceramic Effect have a special formulation that allows the varnish to apply smoothly and evenly, even if your application is messy. It is a very good nail varnish that I do recommend. It dries out quickly, and has so many beautiful shades (remember the ink blue one I showed you in a post in august?).
Also, it is suitable for nail stamping, which is a great thing considering very few nail varnishes are.
un'applicazione uniforme e senza inestetiche strisce, anche se voi l'applicate male. E' un buonissimo smalto che raccomando. Si asciuga molto in fretta ed ha dei bellissimi colori (ricordate quel blu inchiostro che vi ho mostrato in un post ad Agosto?)
E poi funziona benissimo col nail stamping, il che è una grande cosa visto che pochissimi smalti lo fanno.
Has anybody ever tried these two? How do you find them?
Can you work Lemon Meringue properly?
*Disclaimer* Ceramic Effect n.9 has been provided by PR for reviewing consideration
Monday, September 13, 2010
Ellis Faas lip products - review and rave
I gave them full rounds, so it is time for me to tell you my thoughts about it.
Firstly, though, I want to give you a little background on the woman behind the brand, Ellis Faas herself, and her concept.
Gli ho dato parecchie occasioni di prova, perciò è ora di dirvi quel che ne penso.
Innanzitutto vorrei darvi qualche informazione sulla creatrice del marchio, Ellis Faas stessa ed il suo concetto.
What is her concept? - Based in the Netherlands, the make-up artist elaborated a simple, but intuitive and innovative concept for her brand: Human Colours. Basically, her whole collection consists of colors that already exist in nature and in every human body, the so-called "human palette".
In pratica, la sua intera collezione è fatta di colori che esistono già in natura e in ogni corpo, la cosiddetta "palette umana".
Packaging design is very peculiar, with most of her products being held in pen-shaped holders (although they do remind me of missiles). What I didn't like about this packaging is simply that you have to twist the end too many times, and if you don't give it a little time between the first 10 twists and the others, you're probably going to experience an "explosion of product", which is basically a waste! At € 25,00 for 2.8 ml, you don't really want to waste any drop!!!
Other than that, the product is in one word AMAZING! Great ingredients, lovely, light-weight formulation and texture, durability, and brilliant pay-off.
See swatches, although I wasn't able to photograph the Ellis Red in its true glory:
Gli swatches, anche se l'Ellis Red non è uscito davvero com'è:
From the left:
GLAZED LIPS L304 - See-through medium coverage, very glossy. The shade I have received is a lovely orange which has rocked this summer and will keep on being gorgoeous this fall, rest assured!
MILKY LIPS L205 - a gorgeous salmon shade that I love to wear with any make-up look really. Milky lips work for a more fluid and translucent appearence. The formulation is extremely light-weight, and can be applied with fingertips for a sheer effect. This has rapidly grown in my list of favourites!
Milky lips è una gamma che mira ad ottenere un aspetto fluido e traslucente.
La formulazione è estremamente leggera e può essere applicata anche solo con la putna delle dita per un effetto sheer. Questo rossetto ha scalato la lista dei miei preferiti in men che non si dica!
CREAMY LIPS L101 - a classic lipstick: creamy, super pigmented, soft and velvety. It is also long-lasting. The shade I have been sent is the signature red by ELLIS FAAS: the ELLIS RED. This is the only color that comes in all three textures, and it is a universal red. Not too orangy, not too blue-based. It looks like true blood, and suits anyone. Want a proof? Click here and see samples of it on caucasian, dark, and asian skin tones!
The closest thing to this would be Masochist by Beauté, but this is even cheaper and there are no customs troubles for European buyers!
This is probably the shade I recommend the most, as it is gorgeous and can be used to achieve a full classic look or a super sexy one (well, classic is sexy in my opinion).
La tonalità che mi è stata inviata è il signature red di ELLIS FAAS: l'ELLIS RED.
Questo è l'unico colore ad essere disponibile in tutte e tre le tipologie di rossetto, ed è un rosso universale.
Non troppo aranciato, né troppo blu coi sottotoni, questo rossetto dovrebbe andare bene per tutte le tonalità di pelle. E se ne volete una prova guardate le foto di questa pagina.
La cosa più vicina a questo tipo di rossetto è il Masochist di Beauté, ma questo costa anche meno e non ha sicuramente le stesse difficoltà con la dogana per i cittadini Europei (specialmente per quelli italiani).
E' forse la tonalità che raccomando di più di tutte, perché è davvero stupenda e può essere utilizzata per fare un look classico oppure uno super sexy (ma per me classico equivale a sexy).
Da disoccupata quale sono in questo momento, io stessa non potrei permettermelo. Tuttavia, non appena troverò un lavoro, comprerò sicuramente qualche loro ombretto perché ci sono delle tonalità davvero particolari!
All lip products by Ellis Faas contain 2.8 ml and are sold at €25,oo - they can be purchased on the ELLIS FAAS official site.
potete comprarli attraverso il suo sito ufficiale
Have you tried anything from the range? What are your thoughts on it?
Any favorites or recommendations for eyeshadows and blusher? Or even foundations?
Qualche preferito o suggerimento riguardo a ombretti e fard? O anche fondotinta?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Autumn/Winter to Illamasqua (Art of Darkness Collection)
Nevertheless, I have received some information about the collection from the lovely Alex and I am going to post them now.
So, apart from opening a new store in 20, Beak St. in London (that should be at the end of Carnaby St - but I've only been to London twice in my life, so look for it on Google Maps if you want to be sure) - Illamasqua has also given a preview of their new AW collection, called Art of Darkness.
They have focused on jewels tones for this collection, with lots of golden tones, reds, deep emerald greens and dark blues.
I am sure a lot of you have already spotted their new Precision Ink liners on some blogs, and one of them is a pure golden color (Alchemy)!
They have also divided looks into some characters, with a Gypsy Queen that has really caught my attention (although I have to say, after seeing the Faerie on Sarah's blog I am amazed by that one character too).

A new liquid metal palette should be coming out, as well as two gorgeous pure pigments. I
highly recommed you check out Sarah's blog for pictures and information about them, as like I said I couldn't make it to the event, so I don't know all the detail yet (however, I will get back on the topic with more in the next weeks).
I know there is a deep navy blue lipstick coming out...what do you think of it? Apart from the make-up artists out there, who I am sure will be gladly playing with it, would you dare to wear it?
Also, Illamasqua has drawn a list of autumn favorites that are a definite must-have for this winter with a gorgeous mahogany shade of lipstick called Growl (pictured above), a nail varnish in Hectic (intense olive color), and the best selling Liquid Metal in Surge - along with a pair of wonderful lashes, the n.22 lashes!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Anteprima mondiale MAC a Milano/ MAC World premiere in Milan
M·A·C presenta a Milano in anteprima mondiale la collezione M·A·C Venomous Villains, in collaborazione con Disney.
Dal 14 al 20 settembre M·A·C Cosmetics lancerà la nuova linea in edizione limitata nella città meneghina nel corso di un evento presso il podium de La Rinascente Milano, Piazza Duomo.
Tutti i fan M·A·C potranno “vestire i panni” di Crudelia De Mon e posare per una foto che svelerà il lato più deliziosamente malvagio che è in ciascuno noi.
I prodotti saranno acquistabili alla Rinascente di Milano già dal 14 settembre!
Mentre per tutti gli altri:
A partire dal 1 ottobre la collezione sarà in vendita in tutto il mondo in punti vendita selezionati M·A·C Cosmetics.
In Italia, M·A·C Venomous Villains sarà distribuita presso i seguenti punti vendita:
M·A·C PRO STORE MILANO – Via Fiori Chiari 12
M·A·C PRO STORE ROMA – Via Del Babuino 124
M·A·C STORE MILANO – Via Torino 18
M·A·C STORE BOLOGNA – Via Clavature 13/C
Counter M·A·C presso La Rinascente Milano, Piazza Duomo
Counter M·A·C presso Coin Roma, Via Cola di Rienzo 173
Counter M·A·C presso Coin Firenze, Via dei Calzaiuoli 56/R
Counter M·A·C presso Coin Napoli, Via Scarlatti 90/98.
Per una volta l'Italia ha l'anteprima mondiale di una collezione M.A.C.
Non male, voi cosa ne pensate? Comprerete qualcosa da questa collezione? Come trovate il packaging?
M.A.C. will be launching their new collection, Venomous Villains with a world premier in Milan
on Sept. 14th
The products will be available to buy at La Rinascenete from that date, and from Oct 1st in any other M.A.C. counter around Italy and the rest of the world.
Will you be buying anything from this collection? Do you like the packaging?
*Disclaimer: news in this post were provided by PR's Press Release. I am in no way affiliate to MAC*
Friday, September 10, 2010
KIKO Siberian Flowers LE A/W collection
The products - I prodotti:
Luxurious Eyeshadow Palette (€ 16,90)
5 Highly pigmented eyeshadows, with textures ranging from matte to shimmery, and from satin to frost, are ideal to make multiple combinations: you can wear the neutral shades for the day time, spice it up for the evening or even make a great blended smokey eye!
The packaging is to die for!
Definitely longing for it! If you happen to be in Italy this fall, don't miss on this one! Everybody's giving a positive feedback on these palettes.

Il packaging è bello da morire!
Non vedo l'ora di metterci le mani su, e voi?
Questa palette ha sei diverse combinazioni di colori e le mie preferite sono decisamente la 01 Moscow Chic Peach, la 03 Siberian Purple e la 05 Azure Ice Reflections!

Mineral Khol (€5,90)
This is one of those loose powder kajals for waterlines that represents this year's latest trend.
So far, feedbacks on this are highly positive, and I think they choose some great colors!
While everybody else is having a plain black, KIKO is offering a true black, a deep green, an intense violet, and even a white rose color!
Again the lid is all decorated with flowers and makes a great packaging!

Mentre tutti gli altri marchi che stanno presentando un prodotto simile si sono limitati al nero, KIKO offre un nero, un verde, un viola intenso e perfino un bianco rosato!
Anche questa volta il tappo è decorato con quei deliziosi fiorellini che fanno sì che il packaging sia prezioso!
Glass Shine Lipgloss (€ 7,20)
A light-weight, shiny lipgloss with a so-called "rotating applicator". Apparently these glosses are sheer, rich in light reflecting particles.
They contain vitamin E and their special applicator rotate around, ensuring an even application.
It comes in six shades: two neutrals, two mauve/purplish shades, a hot pink and a red.

Contengono vitamina E e il loro speciale applicatore ruota su sè stesso, assicurando un'applicazione uniforme.
Sono disponibili in sei tonalità: due neutri, due malva/viola, un rosa caldo ed un rosso.
This is a double-ended, long lasting eyeliner pencil. Its formula is perfect balance between the consistency of a pencil and the color pay-off of a liquid liner!
The liners comes in contrasting pairs: dark/light and matte/shimmery. They are blendable and comes in 8 combinations. The one I'm showing you is 05 emerald and amethyst: a definite must-have!

Le Double Glam Eyeliner si presentano in combinazioni di chiaro/scuro e colore pieno/perlato. Sono sfumabili e sono disponibli in 8 combinazioni. Nella foto vedete la 05 emerald and amethyst. Un must-have!
Cream Infusion Stylo (€ 7,50)
Stylo Lipsticks that are intense, shiny and long-lasting at the same time. Packaging is to die for, although the color range isn't as exciting as I initially thought. Apart from the nudes, I have all sorts of reds so I don't know if they will really be my cup of tea. But we'll see!

Bling Blush (€ 14, 90)
Baked blush with an immediate color pay-off. I am really looking forward to try these!
They come in 6 shades and a very generous size!
Packaging is once more lovely with the Russian flowers decoration and Swarowski crystal!

Anche stavolta il packaging è veramente stupendo con i decori floreali e il cristallo swarowski!

Automatic lipliner that compliments the Cream Infusion Stylos' shades. It comes with a smudger and a sharpener in the end. It's waterproof and blendable.

Per maggiori informazioni o per ordinare online, visitate il sito ufficiale di KIKO: www.kikocosmetics.com
I am back - plus Dublin haulage
how are you doing? I am sadly back from the charming "Dirty Old Town" of Dublin.
I might film a vlog about it, and then I'll also make a pictures post. However, as I have so many pictures to choose from, I'd rather post my haulage now.
Oasis tunic shirt
was € 69,00 reduced to € 25,00 for a manufacturing fault (which is tiny and you can't see) and was now € 6,00 cos they had only 4 pieces left!
Where: Oasis @ Clerys in Lower O'Connel St.
Penneys (same thing as UK's Primark) small dress
-I know it looks like a shirt, but I can tell you it is not -
€ 13,00
Where: Penneys Mary St & Lower O'Connel St.
also available in black
Penneys Frill Button Dress/Tunic
€ 15,00
Where: Penneys Mary St & O'Connell St.
also available in black, and antique rose
Penneys' Opia Jewellery:
Necklaces: Wood & Mix Bead - € 3,00
Clock Charm Pendant - € 5,00
Long Chain Mix - € 5,00
Vintage Brooch - € 3,00
also pictured from Primark: Satin and golden headband - € 2,00
Topshop's Freedom Jewellery:
Golden Doves earrings - € 8,00 (I got them for my mom...)
Silver Angel Wings earrings - € 8,00
Where: Penneys Mary St. & Lower O'Connel St
Topshop St. Stevens St.
*note: lighting was poor today at home, sorry if pictures don't capture the exact colors*
M.A.C. Satin e/s in Shale (taupe with purple undertones)
I can't remember the exact price anymore, but it was around € 14,94
Where: M.A.C. counter in Brown Thomas - Grafton St.
close up:
Benefit The Realness of Concealness mini fake-it kit
Ooh la lift (depuffier)
Lip Plump (lip primer)
High Beam (highlighter)
Lemon Aid (color correction for eyelids)
Boi-ing (industrial strength concealer)
€ 33,50
Where: Brown Thomas - Grafton St.
The POREfessional by Benefit
pore minimizer balm
€ 33,50
N°7 brushes ( 2 dupes for MAC's 217 and a smudger)
€ 7,00 each (free if you redeem a N°7 voucher)
Models Own Lemon Meringue nail varnish
€ 6,50
Tangle Tweezer Compact
€ 14,29
Where: Benefit counter @ Brown Thomas - Grafton St.
Boots @ St Stephens Green Shopping Centre
If you would like me to review anything you see, please feel free to request it.
I wrote prices and stores in case anyone is going to Dublin and want to know where to find things straightaway ;)
Just a little side note: I had never been to a MAC counter before, so I don't know, are all shop assistants there incredibly made-up? I mean...everyone had this amazingly dramatic makeup, with uber long false eyelashes. Of course, it was perfectly executed.
Hope that was both enjoyable and useful,