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Saturday, September 18, 2010

a new series is coming on this blog, and it's about weigh loss

Hello everyone, I just want to announce that I will be doing a new series on this blog, and it will be about weight-loss.

As you may know, my body has changed over the past year and a half, and I really do not like having those 7 more kilograms. I have been going to the gym for 6 months, but without a serious diet, I was only able to drop 3 kilos. During July I wasn't able to go to the gym, and got those kilos back, so now I am really tired and frustrated not to find clothes that suit my shape, or not to look good in my old elegant clothes, and I have decided to call it a day.

Starting today I am on a diet, one that has been given to me by a dietologist, and should work.
It will be difficult, but in the end not so bad. I don't have to drop 10 kilograms, so it is just about knowing how to match food, get used to smaller portions and eating healthy food.
I am happy about it, because common sense here in Italy has always said that a sane mind goes in a healthy body, as the Romans would say.
In fact, the new series will be called "MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO".
Every weekend I will write down what I've eaten during the week, and every month I will tell you how much weight I have lost.

I am not going to write portions, because this is my diet, and it would probably not work with you, but what you can do is learn from that how you can mix and match food to be healthy!
Whoever wants to start a diet can find a "partner" in me, because we all know dieting on our own never works! I am a real gouramande and I need to be monitored.

Of course, if this does not work for me, it means I have hormonal problems, but at least I will learn how to eat healthy and be a sane mind in a healthy body, that's all that matters to me: be healthy!

I will try to take before&after pictures.
Just know that my current weight is 64 kilograms (shame on me!), that I am 174 cm tall, and that this diet has begun today, Saturday 18th of September!

Do you like this idea? Will you be following my experiment, or have you started one of your own?


  1. Good luck with your diet sweetie, I'm sure you'll succeed in it ;-D
    If you need any advice, just tell me! ^_^

    buon weekend!!

  2. Good luck my dear! I will follow your progresses :)

  3. but you don't need a diet at all!
    anyway, I'm with you about this resolution.. I really have to lose weight :(
    good luck!

  4. Hi Lidia,
    good luck with your diet! I'm sure you'll reach the goal! I'm tall like you, but when I started my diet my weight was 163 lbs and now i'm 116 :)I'll follow you in your "diet story" :) XX

  5. Thank you all girls! It's so important to me to have some support! :°)

    @Siberia: I do need it. As my grandfather says I'm still within my standards, but I'm not thin.
    Apart from getting fit, I am also doing this because I believe in illness prevention through healthy nutrition. :) If you want, you can join me on this one!

    @Dona: thanks a lot, your recent changes have inspired me too. I am done complaining about my figure without doing something about it!

  6. I will be keeping an eye on these weightloss posts, I love the idea of doing this on my own blog I just don't have the confidence :) but I do love reading posts about weightloss keeps me motivated :)

    Lots of love,

  7. I'm def suscribing! I've been saying I was going to start my diet and I never do! I'm hoping this is motivate me! :)

    I'd love for you to stop by my blog:


  8. Già detto cosa penso. Per me è una bellissima idea, oltretutto anche io anni fa ho tenuto un diario alimentare e mi ci sono trovata bene. Era piacevole, diciamo una soddisfazione mettere su carta i miei "princìpi" alimentari.

  9. sicuramente tenere il blog ti aiuterà a stare a regime! cmq secondo me 10 kg sono tanti, per la tua altezza.... l'importante è tonificare tutto!! io sono alta 170 cm e peso 54 kg e tutti mi dicono che sono magra quindi se tu pesassi lo stesso che io saresti pelle e ossa!!in bocca al lupo bacioni!

  10. Grazie a tutte!
    @Ameriga, ne devo perdere dai 5 ai 7. In realtà 7 per tornare com'ero prima, me ne basterebbero anche 5 per sentirmi in pace!
    penso che dipenda dall'ossatura anche..per ora sta andando tutto bene, senza troppi rimpianti! Devo farcela, bisogna essere determinati!

    PS ti rispondo qui: tu non avendo un blog attivo, non lo puoi fare, ma praticamente chi riferisce del concorso sul suo blog e mi invia il link ha due entries. quindi ha una possibilità in più di essere estratto.
