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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Shoes from London - this is the last purchase post, I promise!

The shoes I bought when I was in London. Yes, they're all ballerina flats! I'm a huge fan, as I'm a tall girl and I don't really need high heels ( I wear them on veeeery rare occasion).
So from left to right:

Faith @ Topshop warm purple/wine colored flats, they're a little bit glossy, very sturdy, and have a little bow on the ankle.
Unfortunately for me, someone misplaced the sticker on these shoes, so I read size 8, and got them without trying them on, as I had tried the others first...well when I came back to Italy I found out the shoes are size 6 and will never fit me. So I'm selling them on ebay! I will send you the link as soon as they're available. (so pissed off!!!) Shoes at Topshop aren't cheap, so this mistake cost me quite a bit!

Office black patent leather ballerina flats with big bow.
I found them at an Office store near the hostel for £ 10,00 so I thought these will be my "clubbing shoes": the ones you will not cry for when you see they're all worn out, that people spilt their drinks on, or passed on your foot :S, or that you just don't know what has happened to them because you were too drunk to remember...LOL

Topshop black Manny Stud Bow ballerina flats:
LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT with these shoes!
Although they're 100% textile fabric, they're sturdy, and they have this double bow with gold stud and little swarowski crystals... <3 <3 <3 !!! ihihi So that's it for my London purchases. And that's it for my purchases for the whole year ahah...my account is crying! Well, I'm off to take a shower and study, girls. I will post an eotd (of the evening actually) later on today. xoxo!


  1. Great finds there. I really like the double bow shoes. I'm glad you enjoyed London and managed to fit plenty of shopping in. It's definitely one of the best cities for shopping! xXx

  2. eeep i'm a size six so i'll definately check them out! and oh my god the studded ones are gorgeous!
    check out my blog if you have time?

  3. i totally understand! Topshop is way overpriced and the times i do buy from them i expect to be completely satisfied haha! xxx
