I have been tagged by the beautiful Catanya, at Catanya's Things for this blog award :)
For this award I have to tell you 10 random facts about me, and tag 10 blogs that I like to read.
1. I have never smoked a sigarette in my whole life, and I intend to keep it up.
2. I am very intransigent when it comes to culture. I don't think that everyone should go to university, but at least finish their high school years, and know the basics. Ignorance is no bliss, it is the decay of society.
3. I have decided to boycott all fast foods, for many good reasons, the first one being health. Nevertheless, I eat tons of chocolate and I love pizza...and need to get back to my healthy nutritional habits.
4. I am a good cook, I can cook yummy vegetables (yes, vegetables can be yummy if you know how to cook them and make them tasty), quiches, risotto's, sauces, but I need to improve on the meat cooking. :)
5. I love paintings. I used to paint on everything, including canvas when I was a little girl. I was also selected at school to paint big replicas of famous paintings on the walls of the corridors, and in the teachers' room. I quit painting after some time in high school, and I regret it. I took up make-up though ahahahhah...and history of arts!
6. I am a rock chick. I listen to lots of songs, but I am very very picky, and my music tastes are generally shared with men rather than women. Probably because I was raised with males? Oh I don't just like rock, music has no boundaries, but I do prefer rock and classic rock.
7. I used to sing in a gospel choir. I know that it doesn't fit with rock music, but it helps you understand how to modulate your voice, and I just happen to be better at that kind of singing.
8. I hate the Italian government with a vengeance. I am not an anarchist, but I am certainly a rebel with a damn good cause!
9. I love Harry Potter movies.
10. I am sure I am deeply in love with my current boyfriend. And he's in love with me, "and I feeeel fiiiiine" (quoting The Beatles here).
So for this award I tag:
Emma @ birds decorate branches
Nicola @ F.A.B. by Nicola
Anna @ Italian Beauty Blog
Michelle @ Lipstick Rules
Louise @ Lou Lou Land!
Tacky Blue Eyeshadow
Jess @ Ohh...pretty!
Alice @ Paper Heart
Sara @ The Makeup Snob
Sorry I could not write messages to you telling that I tagged you, but I need to get out the house now :)
Thanks Catanya, for this award. It's nice to read facts about everyone!
Thank you so much Lyd! This is my first tag ever, so it's really special to me!! And I agree with most of the things you said, especially number 8 and number 6! Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteAnna x
Aw, thanks so much for this! :) xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the tag!! i appreicate it! I love knowing all the new stuff about you! These are so much fun!!
ReplyDeleteaww thanks sooo much, girl! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Lyd!! I appreciate it!