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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Seeking for advice

Goodmorning angels,
my Sigma brushes (review coming very very soon) had their first shower last night. I washed them with a very hydrating and conditioning shampoo, and it seemed to have worked just fine.
However, as the recommended product for cleaning them is a brush cleanser, I searched for a MAC brush cleanser on ebay. I only found one bottle, and the user did not provide international shipping.
I went on the MAC site (American and British), but (like most of the good brands) they do not ship to Italy, and we do not have an Italian MAC site.
I have no access to MAC counters. I remember seeing MAC at La Rinascente in Genoa, and it's probably in other bigger cities, but I have no access to it.

So, can you suggest some other good brush cleansers?


  1. I wrote a blog post on some alternative brush cleansers out there.


    Hope it helps! :)

  2. Ciao Lyd! Ce n'è uno di Sephora, non l'ho mai provato ma se vuoi te lo posso procurare e spedire poi con le cose che mi hai chiesto. Se vuoi quello di MAC posso procurarmelo a MI. Fammi sapere tu (non so cosa costanto nè uno nè l'altro ma mi posso informare!). Baci

  3. I honestly rarely use my brush cleanser unless I am short on time and need to clean a brush on the go. The best thing I use is baby shampoo to clean them once a week! I hope you are able to find a suitable alternative :)
